Friday 9 October 2015

Dont Hate So Much

My name is Ayunda Silfiarani. Also known as 'unyu'. My friends call me ayun/yunda/cil/unyu. My mother call me 'pemalas'. I was born in Jakarta, 20 May 2000. Now, I studying in 98 senior high school. As a student of social.

I was very hate with social subject and I was very heart with science subject. The expectation is not same with the reality. But now, i'm slowly love with my destiny.

Since I was a child, I really want to be a doctor. A specialist doctor of children. But now, I change my future goals. I dont want to be a doctor. Now, I want to be a bussiness women and an accountant or psychologist.

When I was a hater of ips, I thinked that ips is very hard. It mostly about theory of social, theory of earth, theory of people's activities, etc. And I cant learn it perfectly. I always got a bad score in this subject. Absolutely, I didn't understand about this subject.

In the junior high and elementry school, I was very love with ipa. Because, I thinked that the subject is very easy. It isn't need hafalan too much. If it need a hafalan, I can menghafal it so fast. Because i'm very enthusiastic about this subject. I love biology, chemical, and physics since I knew them. And I love math too.

I got 36,00 final score. There are 88 score for indonesia, 92 score for english, 95 score for math, and 85 score for science. Yes, I didn't satisfied about my science score. But, I was very Alhamdulillah with my struggle.

I had a hope that I must be a student of 99shs or 98shs as a science. But, I didn't get it. My score wasn't enough because i'm a nondki people in my kartukeluarga. However, Alhamdulillah I got my hope. I accepted as a student of 98shs. But, in the social programs. But my parent is more happy than me. Because the socialist is more easy to continue study.

Now, I've been two months in here. I'm still fine. The social is not hard. If I want a 'can' I must do a 'love'. Impossible is nothing. And dont be a hater of something.